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NEST API release to help SMEs meet auto-enrolment requirements 12 June 2015

NEST has announced plans to release an API to enable employers to manage their NEST accounts through their payroll software, helping them to fulfil their auto-enrolment duties.

Due to go live in winter 2015, ahead of over half a million SMEs staging for auto-enrolment in 2016, the new tool, called NEST Web Services, will allow payroll to exchange information with NEST using a common interface, providing it has compatible software.

NEST has developed the API in collaboration with payroll software providers Iris, Moneysoft, QTAC and Sage.

Helen Dean, executive director of product and marketing at NEST, said: “NEST Web Services revolutionises auto-enrolment for employers by automating their administration and integrating it with payroll systems.

“We listened to payroll software developers and understand that the payroll process, whether managed by the employer or their adviser, is crucial to auto-enrolment’s continued success. It holds all the vital information for worker assessments and contributions. Rather than duplicate work for employers, we have integrated the two processes, reducing time and complexity.

NEST has been set up to support the roll-out of auto-enrolment and to be ready to work at scale. NEST Web Services is a part of helping ensure we are ready for the next stages. With thousands of SMEs being brought into auto-enrolment in the coming years, we need to make sure that the industry continues to innovate in order to help employers meet their duties.”

Payroll providers who want to adopt NEST Web Services can request the technical specification from the NEST website. NEST will also be providing a testing platform for payroll software providers to use, free of charge.

Karen Thomson, associate director of policy, research, and strategic visibility at the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) commented: “The CIPP is pleased to support NEST’s new initiative of providing web services to employers.

“This service will also provide a much easier route for information to flow from payroll systems to NEST.

“The CIPP looks forward to its release later this year and would encourage payroll software providers to offer this facility to their customers, especially those wishing to use NEST.”

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